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Spatial Team | 18-05-2009

Spatial Corp., a leading provider of 3D development software components for engineering, design and manufacturing applications, today announces availability of 3D ACIS® Modeler and 3D InterOp Suite Release 20 (R20). The new release advances industry-leading capabilities for handling import and modification of data within 3D applications, significantly improving end-user productivity and streamlining work-flows in areas such as specialized design, analysis, manufacturing, and inspection. R20 further promotes an application’s value in the product development process by enabling high-quality data exchange and near immediate usage of CAD models for application-specific needs.

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Broomfield, CO – May 19, 2009 - Spatial Corp., a leading provider of 3D development software components for engineering, design and manufacturing applications, today announces availability of 3D ACIS® Modeler and 3D InterOp Suite Release 20 (R20). The new release advances industry-leading capabilities for handling import and modification of data within 3D applications, significantly improving end-user productivity and streamlining work-flows in areas such as specialized design, analysis, manufacturing, and inspection. R20 further promotes an application’s value in the product development process by enabling high-quality data exchange and near immediate usage of CAD models for application-specific needs.

As an example, 3D ACIS modeler enables applications that specialize in ship design to import the complex geometry of curve and surface hull forms and create full 3D models. R20 improves the conversion of imported hull data to thin wall structures, resulting in increased end-user productivity and accelerated project time-lines.

R20 is integrated in the Rapid Application Development Framework (RADF) which accelerates 3D application development and improves time-to-market for software providers and software-enabled machine manufacturers. Enhancements are made to 3D Springback, an application component that facilitates a one-step method for springback correction of 3D models within manufacturing applications. R20 includes the following:

  • Additional product manufacturing information (PMI) support
  • Offset path generation for CMM applications
  • Improved tolerant blend creation for mold and die applications
  • Diagnostic information for better problem resolution
  • UNICODE support for data import of local languages


Since the previously released version, the 3D InterOp Suite has added new products, support for the latest CAD versions, and additional data exchange.


  • UNICODE support for local language data import
  • Siemens NX PMI display information
  • CATIA V5 non-semantic and assembly level PMI
  • CATIA V5 R19 read and write
  • Siemens NX 6, ProE Wildfire 4.0, SolidWorks 2009, Inventor 2009 read
  • Parasolid V21read and write


  • Improved Boolean and Blending Operations for handling tolerant geometry resulting from imported data
  • Advancements to Local Operations for better handling of remove faces in mold and die design applications
  • Extended capability of sheet thickening operations for shipbuilding applications
  • Adaptive faceting extended to fringes along EDGE boundaries for smooth rendering of high-curvature surfaces
  • Edge offset functionality for calculation of measurement scan lines in CMM applications
  • Expansion of error propagation mechanism for ACIS routines
  • 3D Springback enhancements for handling point set inputs originating from analysis/simulation data


Multi-threaded Entity Point Distance for CMM applications to improve performance when evaluating large data sets

“Spatial’s development partners include many of the leading engineering and manufacturing application providers. However, because they are not the originating design system, they share a common need for superior handling of imported CAD models. R20 provides significant improvements for these customers and their end-users.” stated Ray Bagley, Spatial Director of Product Planning and Management. “R20, combined with the recently introduced RADF, provides 3D developers with a reliable and robust foundation for building feature-rich applications in accelerated time-frames.”


3D ACIS® Modeler and 3D InterOp Suite R20 is available for a free evaluation. Evaluation Request forms are available on the company’s website.

About Spatial
Spatial Corp., a Dassault Systèmes S.A., is a leading provider of 3D development software components for technical applications across a broad range of industries. Spatial’s 3D modeling software, HOOPS 3D visualization software, and CAD translation software components help application developers deliver market-leading products, maintain focus on core competencies, and reduce time-to-market. Spatial 3D components have been adopted by some of the world's most recognized software developers, manufacturers, research institutes, and universities. Headquartered in Broomfield, Colorado, Spatial has offices in the USA, Germany, Japan, China, and the United Kingdom. For more information, please visit or contact Spatial by email at or by phone at 303-544-2900.

Spatial Media contact:
Howie Markson
(303) 544-2966

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