Hybrid Modeling
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What is a WRL File?
Spatial Team | 15-01-2020
WRL files are an extension of the Virtual Reality Modeling Language (VRML) format . VRML file types enable browser plugins to display virtual reality environments. The term VRML is often referred to ...

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2 min read
What is a WRL File?
Spatial Team
WRL files are an extension of the Virtual Reality Modeling Language (VRML) format . VRML file types enable browser ...

3 min read
The Main Benefits and Disadvantages of Voxel Modeling
Spatial Team
Voxels are to 3D what pixels are to 2D. Firstly -- let’s examine what pixels actually are. Everything you see on your ...

2 min read
The Main Benefits and Disadvantages of Point-Cloud Modeling
Spatial Team
Point-cloud modeling is typically used in the process of 3D scanning objects. Rather than defining surfaces through ...

2 min read
The Main Benefits and Disadvantages of Polygonal Modeling
Spatial Team
Polygonal (or polyhedral) modeling is the most common type of modeling for video games and animation studios. This type ...

2 min read
The Main Benefits and Disadvantages of BRep Modeling
Spatial Team
BRep modeling, or Boundary Representation modeling, is, in CAD applications, the most common type of modeling. BRep is ...

3 min read
Healing, not just for Precise 3D Models Anymore
In a recent blog post (Healing and Preserving 3D Model Intent) and eBook (Healing as an Essential Function), we wrote ...